Hey everyone I regret to inform you all that this will be my very last blog posting. As this class draws to a close I've learned so much about social media advertising. Mainly that if you are to be successful you should schedule your posts to be on a weekly time that is consistent. Other then that posting for me wasn't very difficult. I can usually come up with creative ideas for posts relatively easily. I am also able to be flexible in what I tend to post about my business but yet it still relates to my Photography.
Ive learned that twitter just isn't for me, with how limited your post size is for me it isn't practical. Facebook on the other side offers the best of the other 3 social media options. It allows for me to do long and short posts as well as share images. Not to say that posting on 3 different social media platforms is bad because it isn't. But it would be nice if Facebook was the be all and end all of social media advertising but that just isn't the case.
I did however enjoy using YouTube in this course and making the commercial was very fun for me. I believe the future of social media will remain multi media with images, audio, and video. So in the future for this class that might be something to add for future students to do more of. I however also believe that with my background in photography and videography I have a slight bias towards how easy the commercial was to make. Anyways signing off for the last time this is Jake with Jake Jubie Sports Photography keep the shutters clicking and those images printing.
Good reflection.